22 January 2018
Over the first (trimester) hurdle
I will be 13 weeks pregnant tomorrow.
web developer, author, speaker, single mom, runner, music lover, chatty introvert
Stories from the second trimester of my pregnancy, late January through early May 2018.
22 January 2018
I will be 13 weeks pregnant tomorrow.
23 January 2018
I am officially at 13 weeks and firmly in my second trimester.
12 February 2018
Since my pregnancy announcement, I have gotten a lot of name suggestions.
12 February 2018
I have to say that, so far, my second trimester has been quite pleasant.
22 February 2018
I'm going to start out this post by saying everything is fine.
06 March 2018
I have heard about women "popping", but I never thought it was a literal description of what happens.
12 March 2018
I have finally started working on my baby registry.
21 March 2018
08 April 2018
Last seen in the center of my belly.
12 April 2018
I just had my 24-week appointment today. All is still well!
02 May 2018
A hobbit's eating scheduleis also the perfect eating schedule for a pregnant woman.
07 May 2018
I have more conversations with colleagues that center around my growing belly.