Joni, a white woman with dark curly hair and glasses, is sitting with her back to a desk. On the desk is an open laptop. The screen shows blurred out computer code.

Hello World!

I wrote my first line of code in BASIC on an Apple iiC, sitting in my parent’s basement. Soon after that moment, I wrote my first GOTO statement, sending that computer into a fiery fit of sparks and smoke (or something like that).

My actual childhood was far less destructive and surrounded by computers — that Apple iiC, my beloved TI 99/4A, and eventually an IBM ThinkPad. I also spent my childhood among books, reading anything that struck my interest. (I had and still have eclectic tastes.) My dream was to move into our town library.

Today, I am “middle-end” web developer who likes to write code, commit often, and make up my own titles. I specialize in developing CMS themes and WordPress editor customizations. I speak at technical conferences, blog about development, and write creative works focusing on life as a single mother by choice. In the little spare time that remains, I run, travel with my adventurous kid, enjoy live music, and advocate for the Oxford comma.

Sweet Little You

A mother with a dream of having a child makes her wish come true by having a baby on her own. Tenderly written with beautiful painterly illustrations by Lisa Wee, Sweet Little You is a loving and unique story about a different path to becoming a family, showing that creating a cherished family doesn’t always involve two parents.

Sweet Little You is available now wherever books are sold. Order your copy today!

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Book cover of Sweet Little You featuring a mom and baby flying in a paper airplane

Articles: Past and present

I have been writing for as long as I can remember. Here is a selection of my latest and favorite articles.

  1. An open letter about WordPress and energy
  2. Perseverance: A lesson from my 5 year-old
  3. Static vs. dynamic blocks: What’s the difference?
  4. Carousels: No one likes you
  5. Manual accessibility testing is your new BFF