10 January 2017
A complicated tale of research
This is a tale of two fertility clinics.
web developer, author, speaker, single mom, runner, music lover, chatty introvert
Stories about my solo conception experience, using an anonymous donor, some amazing doctors, and a fertility clinic.
10 January 2017
This is a tale of two fertility clinics.
10 January 2017
I want a baby.
30 January 2017
I had my initial consultation with Clinic Beta today.
01 February 2017
I took a couple baby steps in the last 24 hours to prepare my brain and body for the months ahead.
14 February 2017
This is an intense week of testing due to scheduling and where I am in my cycle.
21 February 2017
I am finally (gloriously) done with the testing phase.
15 March 2017
My doctor-imposed 2-month delay on starting my treatment has given me a lot of time to think.
03 July 2017
I made the choice to become a single mother after years of debating this.
07 August 2017
Yes, I apparently skipped writing about IUI #2.
30 August 2017
Well, IUI attempt 3 was a bust.
01 October 2017
I am starting to prep for my next attempt.
24 October 2017
It is day 1 of my new cycle. I am back from vacation and ready to start trying again.
01 November 2017
Today is day 9 of my cycle.
13 November 2017
I had my 4th IUI last Tuesday, which means as of today, I am 6 dpiui.
20 November 2017
Today, at 13 dpiui, marks the day before my pregnancy test.