I started a new bottle of progesterone today. For those of you just tuning in, that's the one that I stick up my vagina twice a day. It makes me bleed for about an hour each time -- only a little and that is apparently OK. Maybe.
I mention this new bottle because today is my first day on progesterone where I did not bleed. I will spare you all what actually happened, but after speaking with my nurse, the "new thing" that happened is apparently normal and expected. Then I told her about the bleeding from before.
There are three words you never want to hear from a medical professional: "Huh. That's weird."
I told my original nurse about the bleeding when it started 2 weeks ago, just after my IUI. (I now have a new nurse for reasons unknown.)
Original nurse said the original bleeding was normal and expected.
New nurse said the "new thing" is normal and expected. She is currently checking to see what's up with the original bleeding.
I googled my symptoms... don't judge me.
As far as I can tell from the internet, both bleeding and "new thing" are normal.
Also, as far as I can tell, nothing is normal when it comes to my body this week.